Welcome to

Center for ECOintention


Everything is energy

You can strengthen and direct this energy, that is the basis of ECOintention. ECOintention improves the vitality and health of companies and nature areas on a small and large scale.

Center for ECOintention was founded by Hans Andeweg and Rijk Bols .


Our services for companies & nature reserves


In a vital and healthy organization with a good amount of life energy, business goals are better achieved and people work together with joy and inspiration.


ECOintention helps nature and agriculture to adapt more quickly to the current climate change. Trees and crops are drought resistant for longer. Animals do more with fewer nutrients.

'We make nature and your company smile!'

Mind Moves Matter


Our courses & training

Four-year vocational training

Courses on observing, interpreting and improving the energy in organizations and natural areas. Together they form the four-year vocational training to become an ECOintention Practitioner with the option of a Master of Science (MSc) in ECOintention.

'ECOintention Practitioner, a profession that will only get better'

The power of ECOintention

ECOintention works!

Better organization, communication, production and financial situation
Better realization of goals and more rest and relaxation
Better resilience in the company


What can ECOintention do for you?

ECOintention projects SME's

It is not easy to keep your head above water at a time when you are in an industry where layoffs are falling, or where consumer (erratic) behavior…
Projects >

ECOintention projects education & education centers

One of the challenges for educational institutions is to find new inspiration and to professionalize teachers/lecturers…
Projects >

ECOintention projects cultural & recreational institutions

Are you struggling with disappointing visitor numbers and disappointing turnover? Are you faced with the challenge of professionalising…
Projects >

ECOintention projects nature & estate management

Preserving and developing diversity is the main goal of many nature organizations. Yet it often takes years before management plans can be realized in nature…
Projects >

ECOintention projects agricultural & horticultural companies

Because the consumer is becoming more and more demanding, it is a challenge for many growers to market their products well. It is often difficult not to be ‘too late’…
Projects >

ECOintention livestock farming projects

Continue to invest in healthy livestock, sustainability, whether or not to increase scale, nature management? A livestock farmer has many issues that he has to deal with…
Projects >

ECOintention projects tree & plant cultivation

As the market becomes more demanding and trends follow each other in rapid succession, it is a challenge for many growers to stay well informed about what consumers want…teachers…
Projecten >

ECOintention projects events & collaboration

How do you mobilize people and resources, ensure that the run-up to an event, festival, conference or other form of collaboration takes place in a targeted manner?
Projects >

ECOintention Services

If you think that your company does not fall under one of these main groups, please contact us, because ECOintention works with any kind of company and organization!
Contact >

Completed projects 2002-present >